What is my intersection?

What is my address works by using the GPS from your device and looking up online what the address at that location is. Your location could not be determined, or you did not accept the request to use your location, so you are seeing this message instead.


Time and time again the question keeps popping into my head; “What is my address?”

I know what you’re probably thinking: YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR ADDRESS!

Friends, I’m here to tell you that not everyone knows their own address, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. There are a plethora of reasons why an individual may not know their own address. In my case, I suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury that affects my memory.

To say that whatismyaddress.org hadn’t changed my life for the better would be the understatement of the year. It helped me overcome my traumatic brain injury and find love and happiness. But this is just a small part of my life story.

– Franco, Cincinnati