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863 ft

Steinbach, Manitoba

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Boiling Point
210 °F
Percent of the way up Mt. Everest
49.517, -96.683

About Steinbach, Manitoba

Steinbach is the third-largest city in the province of Manitoba, Canada and, with a population of 17,806, the largest community in the Eastman region. The city, located about 58 km (36 mi) southeast of the provincial capital of Winnipeg, is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Hanover to the north, west, and south, and the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie to the east. Steinbach was first settled by Plautdietsch-speaking Mennonites from Ukraine in 1874, whose descendants continue to have a significant presence in the city today. Steinbach is found on the eastern edge of the Canadian Prairies, while Sandilands Provincial Forest is a short distance east of the city.

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