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85 ft

Bengkulu (city)

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Boiling Point
212 °F
Percent of the way up Mt. Everest
-3.8, 102.27

About Bengkulu (city)

Bengkulu, formerly Bencoolen is the capital of the Indonesian province of Bengkulu. The city is the second largest city on the west coast of Sumatra Island after Padang. Previously this area was under the influence of the kingdom of Inderapura and the Sultanate of Banten. The city also became the exile of Sukarno from 1939 to 1942. It covers an area of 151.70 km2 and had a population of 308,544 at the 2010 Census and 373,591 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as of mid-2022 was 384,841. The city is also the only city in Bengkulu Province.

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