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335 ft

Pozo Colorado

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Boiling Point
211 °F
Percent of the way up Mt. Everest
-23.43, -58.86

About Pozo Colorado

Pozo Colorado is a town in Paraguay, located in the department of Presidente Hayes. First references for the place comes from the late 1890s. It was originally an Enxet village yexwase’ yamelkyet. Pozo Colorado is the Spanish translation for Red Well. After the Chaco War, it became primarily a military base, surrounded by ranches whose owners lived mainly in Asunción. As the Ruta Transchaco cut across the Chacoan plain, entrepreneurs arrived creating a small civilian enclave setting up small businesses. It is now quite a thriving small town or village with more petrol stations than any other small town of Paraguay. Besides the military presence, the police are also there, as well as other government offices that have to do with cattle sanitation and husbandry.

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